Welcome to the worldsim.exe command guide!

Worldsim.exe is a powerful and flexible command-line universe simulator that allows you to create, manage, and explore intricate fictional universes. With worldsim.exe, you have the tools to craft entire cosmos, from the fundamental laws of physics to the rise and fall of civilizations, all from the convenience of a CLI interface.

This simulator offers a vast array of commands to control every aspect of your universes. You can define the basic properties of your universe, such as its size, age, and physical constants. Create planets with detailed surface features, atmospheres, and orbits. Guide the evolution of lifeforms and ecosystems on those planets. Found civilizations, advance their technology, and steer their development. Script grand events that shape the history of your worlds.

A table of content is available at the bottom of the page.

Basic commands

Time Management:

Data and Reporting:

Simulation Parameters:

Event and Scenario Management:

Syntax and Attributes: